Active Events of Violence eLearning
Needs Analysis, Storyboarding, Audio Editing, Activity Design, Illustration, Motion/Gif Design, Script Writing, Video Editing

FBI reports have shown a rise in active shooter events over the past decade. In response to these statistics, Benefitfocus wanted to expand their annual security training to include an online course about how employees should respond to an active shooter event, should one occur.

The final product was an attention-grabbing elearning that described characteristics of a typical shooter, instructed associates how to set up their phones to receive notifications if an active shooter event were reported, and included games to show where to hide on campus and how to use everyday objects to fight an attacker.

Adobe Captivate, Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Microsoft PowerPoint, Vyond

All Benefitfocus employees were asked to complete the course and a course evaluation each year, which resulted in a 98% completion rate for a 1,500-person company.
According to survey responses, the course was "engaging from start to finish" and "without a doubt the most graphically impressive training I've completed in years." This course was later added to the Benefitfocus New Hire Orientation program.
What I Created
...or watch video recordings of it below.
Active Events of Violence eLearning

Active Events of Violence eLearning

What Would You Do? Game

Characteristics of a Shooter

Survival Objects Game

Run, Hide, Fight Gifs